A bananeira caiu
Below you will find a song wich is used in capoeira. I hope you will enjoy the lyric. Together with the berimbau, the pandeiro and other instruments like agogo, atabaque, clapping hands, the songs will come alive. Capoeira songs are easy written end easy to learn. I hope you found a nice capoeira lyric that suits your mood!
title |
A bananeira caiu |
Portuguese: | English: |
Mas o facão bateu em baixo, compadre A bananeira caiu Mas o facão bateu em baixo, compadre A bananeira caiu Cai, cai, cai bananeira A bananeira caiu Cai, cai, cai, cai, cai bananeira A bananeira caiu |
But the knife hit below, friend The banana-tree fell But the knife hit below, friend The banana-tree fell Fall, fall, fall banana-tree The banana-tree fell Fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, banana-tree The banana-tree fell |